Entries by Ana Fortes

How Can Children Learn English Online?

Start off with exploring websites together and learning how to use the games or activities together. The more you’re involved with the learning process, the more your child or student will eventually be motivated to explore independently. Make sure you spend time with your children or students to figure out what they’re personally interested in […]

Discover our Online Exam Creator!

As the main result of the project ASSESS, Inercia Digital has developed an Online Exam Creator platform.  It consists of a virtual place where teachers have access to 4 spaces. Firstly, teachers can obtain ready- made exams divided into 2 levels, A1 and A2, and into 24 topics, among them we can find animals, countries, […]

Assessment of learning and Assessment for learning

Assessment is an integral part of instruction, as it allows to determine whether or not the educational goals or standards are being met and it provides data for instructional planning and decision making.  There are two main types of assessment, each occurring at different points in the teaching and learning process: assessment of learning and assessment for learning. […]

The Benefits and Outcomes of Online Learning

Online education has been an issue since the internet started to become a crucial part of our lives. However, the outbreak of the virus forced this concept in our lives as an obligatory situation.  All the nations throughout the world have been talking about it, yet no country was prepared for it thoroughly. The citizens […]

Online Exam Creator: A Perfect Guide for Teachers

Teaching professionals and students may find assessment challenging, but the benefits it delivers may be a helpful motivator. There are obvious advantages when it comes to variable delivery methods, adding web links, documents, photographs, and videos and enriching test material. With the shift of technology, education made its way to move into online evaluation, whether […]

May Online Meeting

The project ASSESS, which is addressed to English teachers, continues its path. The partnership has had a meeting today to discuss topics regarding the training activity for English teachers that will be carried out next September in Greece, the handbook about evaluation of students and our Online Exam Creator which is almost ready. If you […]

Advantages & Disadvantages of Online Testing

What Are the Advantages of Online Exam Testing? Efficiency Online language testing offers teachers an efficient way to deliver tests to students. Online testing has a number of tools such as videos, PDFs, podcasts, and teachers can use all these tools as part of their lesson plans when it comes to testing. By extending the […]

Our Online Exam Creator is almost ready!

We’re developing an e-learning platform for EFL teachers. In it, you can find exams, rubrics, worksheets, images and online tools in A1 and A2 levels. In addition to a tool to create your own exams in an instant way. You won’t lose your time creating exams with our OEC.

Look at what has been achieved!

Already we are in March and work has not slowed down for our Assess team. The Assess database now has full collections of illustrated worksheets, colourful flashcards with images and text, exams and rubrics to mark those exams.  A collection of images has been prepped and finalised by the partners.  All of this is now […]