ASSESS Project

ASSESS Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, as a Strategic Partnership for the Development of Innovation in School Education. It aims to define innovative methods and tools for the assessment of EFL learners. Its main goal is to bring new approaches to assessment and contribute to development of evaluation consciousness. It also wants to support restoration of assessment system and share good practices among European countries.

Progress of the Project’s Intellectual Outputs

Consortium partners have been working on the intellectual outputs of the project in the past months and have successfully completed the following deliverables:

Intellectual Output 1: Report on Curriculum

All partners created a database of stakeholders relevant for the implementation, and mapped the Curriculum in their respective countries, for the purpose of arriving at the Common Curriculum.

Intellectual Output 2: Database for Online Exam Online Creator

Each partner in the consortium created 50 Tests for 4 topics each i.e. 200 Tests and contributed to the database for Online Exam Creator leading to a database of 1200 tests.

Intellectual Output 3: Rating Scale

The Partner from Greece created a Handbook for Assessments by elaborating the process of constructing scales for Evaluation. The efforts have gone in simplifying the complex and multi-dimensional testing process.

Intellectual Output 4: Online Exam Creator

Currently, the consortium partner from Spain, Inercia Digital, is working on the Online Exam Creator.

Intellectual Output 5: Teachers’ Guidebook

In the coming months, after the completion of the Online Exam Creator, the consortium will proceed to the final intellectual output, the Teacher’s Guidebook.

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