What is ASSESS Project?

The project ASSESS is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, as a Strategic Partnership for the Development of Innovation in School Education. It aims to define innovative methods and tools for the assessment of EFL learners. Its main goal is to bring new approaches to assessment and contribute to development of evaluation consciousness. It also wants to support restoration of assessment system and share good practices among European countries.

With ASSESS, all the partners will have a chance to promote the specific skills acquisition and skills enhancement for foreign language teachers for:

1) effective teaching and evaluation methods of foreign languages in particular through the use of ICT

2) choice of quality products in language assessment, identifying the best meet the specific educational needs

3) use of products available either as an alternative or as an integration of traditional methodologies

4) creation from scratch of educational and training products that exploit the potential of new technologies

            What are we going to develop?

Intellectual Output 1: Report on Curriculum,

Intellectual Output 2: Database for Online Exam Online Creator

Intellectual Output 3: Rating Scale

Intellectual Output 4: Online Exam Creator

Intellectual Output 5: Teachers’ Guidebook

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