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Multiplier event in Spain

During the month of may, the multiplier event of the ASSESS project for English teachers  :female-teacher::skin-tone-2: was held in Spain, at the University of Huelva and at the training and innovation centre of Inercia Digital. The results of the project have been presented and teachers have been invited to test the results. They are useful to assess English as Foreing Language in levels A1 and A2. The results of the project are:

1. Common curriculum
2. Database for Online Exam Creator
3. Rate Scales. Handbook for assessing speaking and writing
4. Online Exam Creator
5. Guidebook for Teachers

If you are an English teacher in Primary Education we invite you to test our platfrom “Online Exam Creator” where you have access to more than 200 exams, worksheets, flashcards, images and rubrics :card_index_dividers:. Moreover, you can create your own exam from scratch.

Communicative skill in English language

One of the most difficult parts of a foreign language is the pronunciation and at the same time is an essential part due to the fact that the pronunciation of a language is the basis of communication. 

English is a worldwide language that is taught in every part of the world, it is recognized as an official language in a total of 67 countries. The best age to start learning a new language is as soon as possible. Toddlers assimilate languages easier than teenagers and adults, they learn from what they hear and imitate sounds. This is the reason why the teaching of languages at schools must start soon and focus on speaking first. 

To improve the acquisition of the communicative skill of a language it is important to teach the speaking and interaction part during all the school years of the children. During primary school, children learn to produce simple sentences and they acquire new vocabulary to use it logically. 

The ASSESS project gives importance to speaking skill. Teachers have more than 100 speaking exams divided into 24 topics to use in level A1 and A2. Moreover, they also have a great variety of flashcards that can be used for teaching speaking.This material can be downloaded from our Online Exam Creator Platform. 

Fighting for a quality education with ASSESS

The beginning of 2021 has been a bit disconcerting, the continuous incidents happening all over the world as well as the coming of the third wave of COVID-19 is making our lives different and difficult. All these changes show us that the world must be prepared for a different future, and this starts with our education. Quality education is one of the global goals for sustainable development in Unite 2030, since it is the basis for the prosperity of everyone. The project ASSESS works for getting an innovation in the way of assessing students.

The Online Exam Creator, which is our main product, is being developed by Inercia Digital along with the collaboration of Learnmera Oy. While this product is being created, the rest of partners are working creating rubrics for the assessment of all the exams that will be available in the OEC for teachers. This tool will let teachers have the opportunity to have exams, worksheets, scales, images and games for using in their lessons. 

The partners will also create a guide for teachers explaining how to use this tool, moreover, a number of 30 teachers will be trained to use this tool. If you are an English teacher from Spain, Finland, Portugal, Turkey, Greece or Germany we invite you to participate in this innovative project.